Things that really piss people off? Rumors.

July 19, 2010 at 6:15 pm (Uncategorized)

 A rumor can have both a positive side and a negative side. The positive side is that by people spreading rumors, you as an individual may gain popularity among numerous groups of people. The bad side, you become popular for all the wrong reasons. Even though rumors are like freaking hilarious, they do tend to hurt people. Recently, rumors seem to be playing a huge role in peoples’ lives. They’re rumors about everyone. You’ve heard things, I’ve heard things and pretty much everybody has heard something about someone, whether you know them personally or not. So, why do people spread rumors? I can give you a long list of reasons, but it eventually all comes down to one main reason, and that is pure boredom. The lack of interesting events in peoples’ lives is actually quite sad. The amount of rumors spread by people just shows they’re boredom in life, and how, as much as they try cannot gain the one thing they want by spreading rumors, popularity. Basically, a rumor is something that isn’t true. Its total bull shit. Nothing about it is real, especially the person who started it. Why? Why would you bring yourself to such a low level? It’s pathetic really. Bottom line, it doesn’t matter who the hell you are, people WILL judge you by what they hear about you. It doesn’t matter if you know them, it doesn’t matter if you will know them in the future, heck it doesn’t even matter if you know what kind of person they are, people will judge you by what they hear. There’s no such thing as ‘never judge a book by their cover’. It doesn’t exist. People are and will continue to judge books by their cover instead of knowing what it’s all about. So, for all you people who do spread rumors, I don’t have anything against you personally, but by reading this you know how low and pathetic you are. You’re already there bitch, you can’t go back. So, HAHA in your face you idiot. =)

 Once people see you in a certain way, their opinion about you will never change. It’s annoying, it’ll piss you off, but it’s a fact.

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Smile, Bitch. :)

November 23, 2009 at 10:16 am (Uncategorized)

Does anyone remember the last time they did something without caring about what other people thought about them? Hmmm, I can’t… that’s the sad part. Ah, the joys of being a kid again. Smiling for no reason, laughing like there was no one was watching and just not worrying about anything. Well of course when we were kids there was no one to bitch about us and everything, which was probably one of the reasons we didn’t give a shit about anything.

Hmm, but who says it can’t be like that now? Sure, there’s work, there’s school and occasionally you get back stabbing mental weirdo’s who would do anything to hurt you and ruin you, but putting that aside don’t we all have at least ONE reason to smile? Pssh, everyone does. Either family or friends, ONE of them HAVE to make you happy even though at times you get so fucking pissed off.

 Anyway, point being no matter how rough things get down the line keep smiling because that’s the one thing that’s going to get you through this mad mad world. Have fun and ignore bitches and no matter what happens, do not lose yourself because that’s the worst thing you could do. If you do you’ll end up like one of those idiots who have nothing better to do than to bitch about other people who ARE happy and people who HAVE lives. Live your own, not someone else’s -.-

Life is like an hourglass, eventually everything hits the bottom and all you have to do is wait it out until someone comes and turns it around.

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Material Shit.

November 10, 2009 at 6:07 pm (Uncategorized)

Ever noticed how some girls are insanely obsessed with material things? Especially those coming from their boyfriends. Pfft, what is the deal with that? Oh man, I swear if I had a freaking dollar for every girl that’s obsessed with what their boyfriend gives them I’d probably be richer than Donald Trump -.-

Boys, you have to agree with me on this. Sure, some guys love the fact that they spend on their girlfriends and shit like that, but isn’t there a limit? What I don’t get is why can’t girls be happy with just having a boyfriend and make that the priority instead of making it known to everyone the priority? No offence girls, but its true. Material shit is amazing, don’t get me wrong. But why can’t you just be happy with having an amazing boyfriend who is obviously willing to give you the world?

 Not all girls are like that, although I only know a handful of girls who make their boyfriends their priority rather than what they get from them. I think, these girls are probably the ones who make their boyfriends happy, who have a reason to smile even though their boyfriends don’t get them anything, who show their love for their boyfriend by expressing their feelings. It’s amazing what you get out of not receiving anything. And yes, I know that sentence is very ‘contradicting’, but it’s true and makes a lot of sense, at least to me it does. I love getting gifts, but for some reason I don’t need my boyfriend to get me things to show me that he loves me. Having him talk to me and having him say ‘I love you’ means the world to me, and it should to every girl.

 Girls, don’t make material gifts the priority in your relationship. Make HIM the priority, you’ll be much happier, I guarantee you 🙂

 Boys, I know some of you (or all of you) love giving your girlfriends gifts, I’m glad you do. But make sure it’s YOU who makes them happy and not the material shit.

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November 4, 2009 at 4:18 pm (Uncategorized)

Talk about being judgmental but I’m sorry, I think boys are stupid. And I know I’m not the only one that shares this view because I’m pretty sure all the girls with broken hearts agree with me. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a broken heart at all; I just find it hard to believe that sometimes someone can be SO nice to you for no apparent reason.

 How many times have you heard someone say ‘I Love You’ and then within DAYS they’re breaking your heart, and BOOM. Before you know it you’re falling apart. ITS INCREDIBLE REALLY. I’m not only talking about guys here, don’t get me wrong. Girls as well can be bloody stupid for believing shit that comes out of their boyfriend/girlfriend (s) mouths.

Anyway, it’s not really my place to tell YOU what to do, that’s YOUR decision. But remember, always stay one step ahead cause that’s the only way you know what you’re doing. 🙂

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November 3, 2009 at 11:08 am (Uncategorized)

Unlike my old blog, this is going to be totally different in terms of what I write and shit… My old blog was based on such emo shit that actually didn’t mean anything I guess, and after about 6 months I got sick of it. This blog is about change, it’s about happier times, about problems that actually make sense and about people who go through shit that they can’t avoid.’ A Day In The Life Of…’ can be about anyone and anything, hence the ‘…’ instead of a name. 🙂

Hopefully you’ll like this better than the other blog.


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